New Year: 2025
Ah yes, the new year is upon us, and with the new year I reflect upon the wondrous things I have done in the past twelve months. My team has been busy listening to my careful and well thought out instructions, and as such I have managed to do quite a few glorious deeds.
Curious Creatures Origins: Alfred
Throughout the numerous events that we attend as a company, one of the most frequent questions is in regards to our name. “How did you pick the name Curious Creatures?”
A Peek into the Artistic Process of a Curious Creatures’s Beer Label
It would be fair to say that art is one of the core tenements here at Curious Creatures. Above all else we care exponentially about everything that we do, whether that comes in the form of the products themselves or the environmental impact of what we produce.
Hop Harvest
Beer is an agricultural product and at no other time is that present than during hop harvest.
Hops are grown around the 48th parallel north around the world and the opposite distance from the equator in the southern Hemisphere mainly in Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and South Africa. The vast majority of global production is concentrated in the Hallertau in Germany and the Yakima Valley, just two hours east of Seattle, WA.
April 2024
Letter from our beloved travelling salesman on Curious Creatures Beer Corp and our upcoming adventures.